22 September 2017, 10:19, Livestock

MHP intends to buy Polish Exdrob

The company Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) intends to enter the Polish market by buying the company Exdrob, which recently suffered great losses.

This is reported by the Polish Radio.

"The Office for the Protection of Competition and Consumers of Poland received an application for permission to purchase Kutnovsky Institutions (Kutnowskie Zakłady) of Exdrob. It was filed by Cyprus-based firm Roftan Holding, owned by the MHP," the report said.

It is noted that the industry cautiously estimates the market chances of the investor.

"Cheap Ukrainian poultry meat fills the European Union and makes us compete harder in this market. And this is the prospect that makes Polish poultry farmers worry. Such fears are fueled by the coming simplifications in trade with the EU for Ukraine," the article says.

Earlier it was reported that MHP intends to purchase the third plant in Europe for the production of semi-finished meat products.

Reference: in 2016 MHP launched the poultry processing plant in the Netherlands ($3.5 million investment). In 2017 the company in cooperation with the European distributor founded the meat processing plant in Slovakia (about $3 million investment).