11 October 2017, 09:00, Grain

Two agro companies to invest $300 million in two oil-extracting plants and grain terminal construction

Investors from Singapore and the United States will build 2 oil-extraction plants, grain terminal and transshipment facilities in the Limanskiy district of the Odessa region. The planned investment in these projects amounts to $300 million.

This is reported by UNIAN.

It is noted that on October 10, 2017, the corresponding tripartite memorandum was signed by the head of the Odessa State Regional Administration Maxim Stepanov, the director of the Singapore company Delta Wilmar CIS Andrei Romantsov and the director of the American company Grain Agro Invest Sergei Tormosa.

In particular, the Singapore-based Delta Wilmar CIS will build a new plant with a total capacity of more than 600k tons per year, as well as a wharf for oil and meal handling with the capacity of up to 3 million tons per year. This will create about 200 new workplaces and give about UAH 500 million receipts to the state budget annually.

The company with US investments Grain Agro Invest will build a complex for storage and transshipment of grain, as well as an oil extraction plant. The capacity of the new berth will be up to 3 million tons per year. This will create about 300 new workplaces.

Reference: the transnational corporation from Singapore Olam International plans to invest in the construction of a port-grain terminal in one of the ports of Ukraine.