27 March 2018, 16:22, Oilseeds

Export of Ukrainian sunflower oil to China in February decreased by 23 times

In February 2018, Ukraine exported 2.5 thou. tons of sunflower oil to China, which is 23 times less than over the same period last year (58.2 thou. tons), APK-Inform reports.

It is reported that this was the minimum February volume for the last 3.5 seasons.

"It is worth noting that in January 2018 the volume of exports from Ukraine to the Chinese market was even lower and amounted to only 770 tons against 60.3 thou. tons in the previous month. This was the minimum monthly volume for this period for more than 5 years," the report said.

According to APK-Inform, in September-January 2017/18, 340 thou. tons of sunflower oil were exported from the CIS countries to China (+ 19% against last year's indicator). The deliveries from Russia increased by 72%, from Kazakhstan — by 60%, from Ukraine — by 8%.

It is noted that the increase in exports from Ukraine yields to competitors. Its share in the Chinese market remains the most significant one. Out of this volume Ukraine's share amounts to 76%, Russia — 20%, Kazakhstan — 4%, against 83%, 14% and 3%, respectively, a season earlier.

China is the second largest importer of Ukrainian sunflower oil after India.

Earlier it was reported that Ukraine in January 2018 exported 419.98 thou. tons of sunflower oil for the amount of USD 317.55 thou.