Draft law on farmland market in Ukraine available for public
The text of the draft law on the liberalized farmland market in Ukraine No. 2194 is published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada (the Parliament).
The document consists of 60 pages. The explanatory note to it contains 27 main amendments, regulating the operation of the free land market in Ukraine.
Detailed information about the draft law is available on the link.
Maryan Zablotskyy, Mykola Solskiy, Artem Nagaevskyi, Sergei Litvinenko, Tatyana Grishchenko, Pavel Khalimon, Marina Nikitina, Sergei Bunin and others are the authors of the bill.
As a reminder, three draft laws on land reform launch in Ukraine were registered in the Parliament. The draft law No. 2194 was one of them.