2 August 2021, 11:21, World

World wheat production 2021/22 forecasted slightly lower in IGC July report

In its July report, the International Grains Council (IGC) forecasts the world wheat production at 788 mln t, 1 mln t down from its June forecast. The forecasted wheat production in 2021/22 is 2%, 15 mln t, higher YoY (2020/21 est.: 773 mln t).

The world wheat trade in 2021/22 is projected 1.6%, 2 mln t, up on the previous season (2020/21 est.: 190 mln t).

Wheat production and trade in 2021/22 (vs. 2020/21):

 Country Harvest, mln t Trade, mln t
 Argentina 20.3 (+2.7) 14 (+4)
 Australia 28.9 (-4.4) 20.5 (-2.3)
 Canada 28.5 (-6.7) 20 (-7)
 EU 137.7 (+13.2) 33.6 (+3.05)
 Kazakhstan 12.5 (-1.8) 6.5 (-1.3)
 Russia  81 (-4.4) 38.1 (-0.5)
 Ukraine 29.5 (+4.1) 20.9 (+4)
 USA 47.5 (-2.2)  23.8 (-3.2)

The world wheat consumption forecast for 2021/22 remained unchanged at 787 mln t, 18 mln t or 2.34% higher than the 770 mln t forecast for 2020/21.

As reported, carryover stocks in 2021/22 are forecast at 280 mln t, 1 million t above 2020/21 (279 mln t), and 3 mln t below the June forecast.

Wheat production in Ukraine as of 29 July reached 16.93 mln t on 55% of the proj. areas.