16 October 2017, 17:00, Grain

Export of grains from sea ports decreased by 60%

Seaports of Ukraine shipped 306 thousand tons of grain for export from October 7 to October 13, which is 60% less than the previous week (759 thousand tons).

This is reported by APK-Inform.

Wheat shipments decreased by 47% to 274 thousand tons against the previous week's volumes. Export of barley also decreased significantly, to 5 thousand tons against 184 thousand tons in the previous week. The volume of shipped corn fell by 30 thousand tons and amounted to 28 thousand tons.

The largest amount of Ukrainian grain in the reporting period was shipped by the company TIS — 87 thousand tons. Black Sea Grain Terminal shipped 75 thousand tons and the company Olympex Coupe International shipped 50 thousand tons of grain for export.

The key importers of Ukrainian grain last week were Indonesia (50 thousand tons), Spain (50 thousand tons) and Tunisia (25 thousand tons).

Reference: the seaports of Ukraine in January-September 2017 provided for the transshipment of 29.76 million tons of grain, which is 11.08% more than in the same period last year.