21 June 2018, 10:39, Livestock

MHP answered the allegations of bypassing the EU import restrictions for chicken

The agri-industrial holding Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) and other producers of chicken that are certified and supply chicken meat to the EU countries, play by the rules that are specified in the agreement (DCFTA), MHP press service stresses.

"For each type of product, there is a customs code (CN code), as well as a system for encoding BTI products. So we deliver products solely in the legal field and in accordance with the agreement," the company notes.

MHP in the first quarter of 2018 exported 63.14 thou. tons of chicken. According to EPravda, in 2017, the company's exports amounted to about 220 thou. tons of chicken, c. 30% of the volume of which was delivered to the EU, i.e., about 64 thou. tons of chicken meat.

Previously it was reported that the EU farmers were furious that Ukraine’s MHP was evading tariffs and ramping up chicken exports by using an ingenious interpretation of Brussels’ trade deal with Kyiv. Under the EU’s 2016 trade deal with Ukraine, Kiev won the right to export an obscure, bony cut of chicken tariff-free to the bloc: breast with a piece of wing bone attached.