25 June 2018, 12:30, Vegetables and Fruit

Agrofusion passed GlobalG.A.P audit

Re-certification audits were carried out in the Northern and Southern greenhouse complexes of Agrofusion in accordance with the GlobalG.A.P standard.

It is noted that according to the audit result, both nurseries confirmed their competence to grow seedlings in accordance with the GlobalG.A.P. All of Agrofusion transplants are assured with international requirements. Transplanting finished at the beginning of June, according to the plan. Tomatoes are in good condition and develop normally.

Previously it was reported that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on June 1, 2018, signed the agreement to provide Agrofusion with a long-term credit facility of USD 17 million.

Note: GLOBALG.A.P. is a farm assurance program, translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice. Most European customers for agricultural products now demand evidence of EurepGAP certification as a prerequisite for doing business. The standard was developed using the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) guidelines published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and is governed according to the ISO Guide 65 for certifications schemes.