9 August 2018, 14:00, Grain

UkrLandFarming harvested 95% of winter wheat

The UkrLandFarming Group of Companies threshed 95% of the area under winter wheat with an average productivity of 5 tons/ha, and the maximum level stands at 5.77 tons/ha.

"July rains impeded harvesting campaign. The situation was saved by UkrLandFarming's elevator network, with the capacity of 2.6 million tons. Thanks to modern technologies, the company was able to bring grain humidity to the base condition," said the COO of UkrLandFarming Galina Kovtok.

It is noted that the absence of rain in April and May in most of the country significantly influenced the formation of winter crops yield.

"The average yield of winter wheat in Ukraine as of August 8 is 3.48 tons/ha. At the same time, the majority of UkrLandFarming clusters showed higher yields than the Ukraine's average," says the director of Farming Department Vladislav Tyutyunnik.

Sowing of winter rapeseed is in process, and more than 50% of the planned areas have already been sown in all UkrLandFarming clusters.

Reference: as of August 8, 2018, agrarians continue harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops, which is carried out on the area of 8.9 million hectares or 91% of the forecast.

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