25 July 2019, 07:30, Grain

Corn shipment from Ukraine 2.6x higher

Since the start of 2019/20 as of July 24, Ukraine exported 1.5 million tons of corn, 2.6x higher from the corresponding period of the previous year — 542 thousand tons.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine reports that in total Ukraine supplied 2.44 million tons of grains and legumes to foreign markets. The volume of grain supplies is 1.9x or 1.14 million tons higher from the relevant period of the previous marketing year — 1.29 million tons.

Grain exports in the reporting period also include:

  • wheat — 526 thou. tons (up 159 thou. tons y-o-y);
  • barley — 499 thou. tons (up 110 thou. tons).

Rye has not been exported since the beginning of the new marketing year.

Previously reported that by July 24th harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops in Ukraine was carried out on the area of 7.2 million hectares or 74%. The crop reached 26.1 million tons using the average yield of 3.63 t/ha (2018: 3.18 t/ha).

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