19 February 2020, 12:20, Ukraine

Agribusiness among the TOP 4 most successful economy sectors of Ukraine — Minister Mylovanov

IT, agriculture, chemical production and pharmaceutics are the most successful sectors of the Ukrainian economy. This was stated by the Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Tymofiy Mylovanov during the presentation of the government program "Economic Strategy: Growth through Investment"Kurkul.com informs.

"IT and agro are two successful sectors of the economy that are capable of integrating into global economic chains. These sectors work with global customers, suppliers and orders. They generate competition, skills and technologies," commented the Minister.

The Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, highlights favourable tax treatment among the factors of the IT-business progress, and for the agribusiness — low-cost labour.

On his Facebook page, Tymofiy Mylovanov noted that the drivers of investment and growth combined must ensure the achievement of the 40% growth in the Ukrainian economy.

"For this ambitious development program to work through investment, we need to keep up the pace," he concluded.

The slowdown in the growth rates of the Ukrainian economy in Q4 2019 is explained by the decrease in industrial output and shifted harvesting terms.