25 March 2020, 15:19, Ukraine

Agriproducers exempt from land tax for the quarantine period

Within the period of Mar. 1 till Apr. 30, 2020, no payment for land (land tax and rent payment for the lands of state and municipal property) is charged or paid for the land plots owned or used, including on the lease terms, by individuals or legal entities and used by them in their economic activity, Buh.ligazakon reports.

The Law of Ukraine No. 533-IX of 17.03.2020 provides for this. 

"However, it so happens that tax returns on land charges for 2020 have already been filed by taxpayers. However, amendments to the Law No. 533, provide that in order to reduce tax liabilities for land payments for the period from Mar. 1 to Apr. 30, 2020, taxpayers can submit a detailed tax return. In the tax form, they shall include the changes in the tax liability from payment for land for the relevant months. Thus, the reduction of tax liabilities on land payment for March-April 2020 for legal entities will be carried out only by submitting the taxpayers' detailed tax returns," the report reads.

As a reminder, the package of bills adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to prevent coronavirus Covid-19 spread will eliminate taxes for business. The bill provides for business not to be taxed including the consolidated social tax (CST), as well as fines and penalties within the above-mentioned period.