8 April 2020, 07:32, Grain

Buckwheat areas in Ukraine forecasted to expand by 80% — analysts

Infographic guide Ukrainian Agribusiness 2018/19


Record low production of buckwheat in 2019 contributing to the deficit of this crop in Ukraine amidst a rush of demand during the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic may stimulate the expansion of areas under crops for the harvest of 2020, the APK-Inform consultancy reports.

During the spring crops sowing campaign 2020, buckwheat in the country may be sown on about 125 thou. ha, 81% more from 2019 (69 thou. ha) and 11% more from 2018.

"With a projected average yield of buckwheat at 1.21 t/ha, the volume of grain production in 2020 is estimated at 151 thou. t, 77% higher from 2019 and 10% more from 2018," said the analysts.

Among the key factors determining the expansion of areas under buckwheat, analysts have attributed the following:

  • strong demand for buckwheat groats in the domestic market, which caused a price increase in the segment and even limited the export of this crop;
  • uncertainty about the sowing of early crops against the background of moisture deficiency, thus stimulating the expansion of areas under late crops;
  • the social significance of buckwheat as a basic product, which allows forecasting high demand for the next season as well.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a ban on buckwheat export until July 1, 2020. The relevant decision was made at an extraordinary meeting of the Government.