27 July 2021, 13:00, Grain

Ristone Holdings completed peas and rapeseed harvesting

Ristone Holdings farms have completed the harvesting campaign of two more crops, peas and rapeseed. As reported, the bulk yield of peas totalled 1.8 thou. t, rapeseed 5.3 thou. t.

The harvesting of spring barley and winter wheat is ongoing. The wheat harvest is 50% complete, baling in the fields is in progress.

The agroholding adds that with the start of the early grains harvesting campaign, the company's elevators started receiving cereals. Since the start of the campaign, 50,000 t of various crops have already been received for storage, both from Ristone Holdings' farms and local agriproducers.

Previously the company finalized winter barley harvesting on 680 ha. The preliminary estimate of the crop average yield was 4-4.5 t/ha.

As of 22 July, the new crop campaign in Ukraine reached 14.1 mln t of grains and legumes. Harvesting was 22% completed.