20 May 2024, 09:05, Ukraine

Fifth of NAAS land bank remains under occupation

By early 2023, almost 100,000 hectares of land of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) were under russian occupation, according to an investigation by EPravda.

The land bank of NAAS at the beginning of 2023 totalled 477 thousand hectares. At that time, 97 thousand hectares of the Academy's land were under occupation, i.e. one fifth of the entire land bank.

Last year, the Government launched the transfer of state-owned enterprises of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences to the State Property Fund. So far, 80 enterprises and 11 research institutions have been transferred, comprising 210,000 hectares. 

Since the SPFU was mostly transferred distressed assets (litigation, debts) and those under russian occupation, the number of occupied assets of the Academy has decreased. As of May 1, 10 institutions with a land bank of 40.8 thousand hectares (15% of the Academy's land bank) are under occupation.