316k tons of Ukrainian wheat flour exported in January-September

Ukraine in January-September 2017 exported 315.58 thousand tons of wheat flour for the amount of $67.43 million.

According to the data of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, 1.12 thousand tons of flour from other types of grains (amounting to $638 thousand) are exported.

The main importers of Ukrainian wheat flour in the reporting period are China ($15.27 million), Angola ($6.65 million) and Moldova ($5.72 million). Export to these countries amounted to 71.45 thousand tons, 31.12 tons and 26.79 tons of wheat flour, respectively.

Ukraine exported flour from other types of grain to Croatia ($304 thousand), Poland ($86 thousand) and Moldova ($68 thousand).

Let us remind, that in Y2016 Ukraine increased flour exports by 21% to 371.23 thousand tons (2015 — 306.85 thousand tons).

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