212.4k of flour exported from Ukraine since the beginning of MY 2017/18

Ukraine from the beginning of MY 2017/18 as of December 14, 2017 exported 212.4 thousand tons of flour, which is 77.5 thousand tons more than the volume of the corresponding period of MY 2016/17.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine reports that from the beginning of MY 2017/18 Ukraine exported 211.7 thousand tons of wheat flour, which is 77.4 thousand tons more than in the same period of the previous year.

Exports of flour of other types during the reporting period amounted to 0.7 thousand tons.

Reference: according to the results of 2016, Ukraine increased flour export by 21% to 371.23 thousand tons (2015: 306.85 thousand tons 2015).

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