Grain exports from Ukraine exceed 38 MT

Since the start of MY2017/18, as of June 13, 2018, Ukraine exported 38.15 million tons of grain, which is 4.18 million tons less than over the corresponding period last year.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine informs that wheat exports for the reporting period amounted to 16.61 million tons (480 thou. tons less). Barley exports amount to 4.21 million tons (480 thou. tons less), rye — 36.8 thou. tons, and corn — 17.12 million tons (2.57 million tons less).

Reference: the forecast of global wheat production in MY2018/19 has reduced by 3.07 million tons as compared with the previous forecast (747.76 million tons) to 744.69 million tons.

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