Dredging in Chernomorsk port is 32% ahead of schedule

The seaport of Chernomorsk
The seaport of Chernomorsk
Photo by: АМПУ (USPA)

Since the beginning of August, a large-scale dredging project has been implemented in the seaport of Chernomorsk. As of August 27, 2018, the dredging fleet of China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC) has excavated 243.7 thou. m³ of soil, which is 32% more than the approved schedule presupposes.

The Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) informs that after the completion of the works the deep-water berths of the port that are in operation and planned for reconstruction will receive large-capacity vessels with a draft of up to 14.5 m of Panamax and post-Panamax type up to a full deadweight capacity of 75 thou. tons and containerships with a capacity of 8 thou. TEU.

According to USPA, state and private stevedoring companies operating in Chernomorsk will receive additional opportunities for development and attraction of new cargo flows.

Since the start of works, the fleet has made 373 voyages. Over the past week, from August 20 to August 27, 260 voyages were carried out and 124.2 thou. cubic meters of soil were excavated.

Note: the dredging project covers not only a deepening but also an expansion of the approach channel. To date, the length of the channel is 1,400 m, the width is 150 m, and the depth — 14.5 m. After reconstruction, its parameters will be increased: length — up to 1,600 m, width — up to 160 m, and depth — up to 16 m.

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