AMCU authorized SALIC for Mriya starch plant acquisition

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) authorized SALIC Ltd (London, UK) for the purchase of the Samoluzskivskyy Starch Plant, a subsidiary of the Mriya agricultural holding, and agricultural crops storage facilities.

"A permission has been granted for the acquisition of assets in the form of non-residential buildings and structures along with land plots serving real estate owned by Samoluzskivskyy Starch Plant (Husiatyn district, Ternopil region) which are intended for the production of starch," the message says.

Mriya Agroholding owns two starch production facilities — Tovstenkivskyy and Samoluzskivskyy Starch Plants. In 2019, the company plans to launch a starch factory in Ternopil region with a daily processing capacity of 600 tons of potatoes.

Early November 2018, Mriya Farming PLC and SALIC UK Ltd completed the deal for the sale to SALIC of a majority of the Mriya group`s Ukrainian farming assets, including infrastructure facilities, machinery, and companies holding land lease agreements.

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