Poland urges European Commission to sanction russian farm products import

Poland urges the European Commission to ban imports of agricultural products from russia to the EU, PAP reports.

"We suggest that sanctions on russian agricultural products should be imposed immediately, at least in view of the problems with the import of Ukrainian products. Now Europe is not facing a disruption in the agricultural supply chain. On the contrary. We have a surplus problem. We are now dealing with a significant increase in imports of agricultural products from Ukraine," a Permanent Representative of Poland to the European Union Andrzej Sadoś said.

The European Commission has never initiated sanctions against food products from russia, justifying it as a threat to global food security.

On Tuesday, May 2, the European Commission adopted temporary safeguard measures against imports of certain agricultural products from Ukraine. The ban applies to Ukrainian wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds. It is aimed at eliminating logistical problems related to these commodities in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

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