Howard G. Buffett Foundation and partners invest in dry port on Ukraine-Hungary border

A 30,000-ton dry port for grain transshipment is to be constructed in Ukraine on the border with Hungary, the head of The Howard G. Buffett Foundation Howard Buffett announced today at the Victory Harvest conference in Kyiv.

"You need to diversify your export destinations. We have invested in a transshipment complex on the border with Hungary with a 30,000-ton grain elevator," Howard Buffett said.

He added that jointly with partners, his foundation plans to continue building such hubs at the border so that grain can be reloaded from the railway to containers and then moved forward.

"Ukraine is rather an unusual country for us. Before the war, it was not a country where we were needed. But when the full-scale invasion began, it affected the food security worldwide, and we knew we had to step in and help," added Howard Buffett.

The Howard G. Buffett Foundation has supported Ukrainian farmers since the start of the full-scale russia-Ukraine war. The equipment, including tractors, combines, seeders, harvesters, grain trailers, sleeves, etc., is provided free of charge to Ukrainian farmers for temporary use not only for sowing and harvesting but also for storing and transporting their crops.

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