Ukraine Black Sea Corridor enables 14.3 million tons of agri-food exports in August-January

Over 20 million tons of cargo has been exported from the ports of Big Odesa since the Ukrainian Black sea corridor was opened in August 2023, Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov informed on Facebook.

"During the six months of the Ukrainian corridor's operation, 661 vessels exported more than 20 million tons of cargo from the Ports of Big Odesa to 32 countries, including 14.3 million tons of agri-food commodities. Ukraine ensures the global food security," he wrote.

The ports of Big Odesa are scaling up cargo handling. In January, 6.3 million tons were exported, near the pre-war level.

104 more vessels are expected to come, delivering more than 3 million tons of cargo to global markets.

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