19 June 2020, 13:23, Grain storage

OptimusAgro Trade received first shipment of new crop barley

On June 18, Nikopol Elevator of OptimusAgro Trade company received the first shipment of new crop barley.

"It is worth noting that the quality of the new crop barley meets the indicators of Class 3 Standard GOST. Now the company is getting ready to receive a large flow of grain," the company says.

In April this year, Nikopol facility of OptimusAgro Trade was granted a status of a route grain elevator.

With the start of fieldwork in Ukraine, new crop supply is arriving in the ports, which negatively affects grain price dynamics.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of the Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine and grain market participants will be signed on July 1 to ensure the projected grain export volume in the 2020/21 season.

The Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine is estimating the grain harvest 2020 at over 68 mln t vs. the previously announced forecast of 65-68 mln t.