16 March 2021, 07:00, Oilseeds

Cygnet introduces sunflower to cropping plan 2021

Cygnet Agrocompany will add sunflower to its crop rotation system in the 2021 season. According to Yuriy Boridchenko, deputy director for crop production at Cygnet Agrocompany, during training for the agronomic service before the start of the new production season, the major focus was on sunflowers, as this crop will be grown by the company for the first time.

"We concentrated a lot on the specifics of cultivation to ensure that all specialists had the same understanding of the technology. The training was conducted online and this format is already common, everyone has long adapted to it," he explained.

Learn more: TOP 10 Sunflower Producing Countries in 2019

USDA put the forecast for 2020/21 sunflowerseeds production in Ukraine at 14 mln t, 2.5 mln t or 15% lower from 2019/20. As per USDA, world sunflower oil production in 2020/21 is projected at 19.44 mln t, down 2.05 mln t (10%) from the previous season (21.5 mln t).