World soybean meal exports decreased 3.5% in August

In August 2018, the volume of world exports of soybean meal stood at 5.15 million tons, which is 3.5% below the corresponding month last year (5.34 million tons), APK-Inform reports with reference to Oil World.

This decrease was mainly due to a decline in shipments from Argentina, which dropped by 22% to 2.3 million tons. The reason for the lower shipments was a decrease in the volume of Argentine soybean processing in August by 13% to 3.27 million tons.

Experts also note a decline in exports of soybean meal from India to 0.11 million tons against 0.16 million tons in August 2017.

Last month, US shipments increased to 1.05 million tons (+33%), Brazil — to 1.46 million tons (+18%) and Paraguay — to 0.26 million tons (+4%).

In 11 months of MY2017/18 (October-August), the world export of soybean meal is estimated by experts at 55.21 million tons, which is slightly less than the indicator of the same period of the previous season (55.46 million tons).

Reference: in MY2017/18, Ukraine significantly increased the supply of soybean meal to Romania, having shipped 10.5 thou. tons of the product.

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