FAO increases the global grain utilization forecast in 2018/19 again

FAO projects the increase of the 2018/19 world cereal utilization forecast by 0.2% to 2 653 million tons, up 39 million tons (1.5%) from the estimated level for 2017/18.

Higher feed and industrial uses of maize make up the bulk of the anticipated rise in global cereal utilization, from both the previous season and last month.

In fact, global utilization of coarse grains is expected to peak in 2018/19, reflecting robust demand for feed and industrial use, especially in China and the United States. 

"Total wheat utilization is expected to increase marginally in 2018/19, with the global growth in wheat feed use in retreat due to large supplies of cheaper alternatives. However, wheat used for food consumption is expected to increase by 1.0%, resulting in a relatively stable average per caput level," the message says.

Previously it was reported that managers of grain port terminals had received letters from ports informing them of the increase in tariffs for port services from January 2019.

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