President's Office specified the volume of state-owned farmland

The results of the audit of the state-owned farmland have shown that out of 10 mln ha, only 7.6 mln ha remain under the state ownership. This was stated by Presidential Commissioner for Land Affairs Roman Leshchenko, writes.

"Today, everyone is focused on making real change, rather than speaking about the previous 18 years and how important moratorium is, how it protects us all. Frankly speaking, the results of the audit and inventory we have conducted over the past month have simply shocked us. We were convinced that we have more than 10 mln ha of state land, but now we have barely collected 7.6 mln ha," said the Commissioner for Land Affairs.

According to him, the audit is still ongoing.

"We are investigating how under the pretext of moratorium businessmen and politicians who "care for Ukraine" robbed the country under various patriotic slogans," said Roman Leshchenko.

Previously reported that farmland market opening in Ukraine was expected no earlier than October 1st, 2020.

The new edition of the infographic guide Ukrainian Agribusiness 2018/19 is available for download.

Land market reform in Ukraine (click for full resolution)

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