Ukraine remains principal rapeseed supplier to the EU

Since the start of the 2020/21(July-June) season, the European Union (EU) has imported 3.01 mln t of rapeseed, 14% less YoY, the European Commission's report reads. In the period July-December 2019, the EU rapeseed imports stood at 3.48 mln t.

The largest rapeseed importers since the start of 2020/21 (as of December 6):

  • Ukraine: 1.85 mln t, 61.4% market share
  • Canada: 1.05 mln t, 35%
  • Serbia: 45.24 thou. t. 1.5%
  • Moldova: 42.78 thou. t, 1.4%
  • Russia: 16.15 thou. t, 0.5%

Rapeseed export from the EU made up 7.97 thou. t, 24% lower YoY.

Learn more: TOP 10 Rapeseed Producing Countries in 2019

As a reminder, as of December 7, rapeseed harvest in Ukraine totalled 2.55 mln t on 1.11 mln ha using the average yield of 2.29 t/ha.

Rapeseed production in Ukraine and worldwide (click for full resolution)

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