Dnieper grain transportation decreased by 3% in Jan-May

In the first five months of 2021, cargo traffic on Ukraine's main river, the Dnieper, totalled 4.49 mln t, 60.8% more (or 2.2 mln t) YoY, as per data from the River Information Service of Ukraine (RIS) of the Delta-Lotsman branch, USPA reports.

During January-May, there were 5111 voyages, compared to 2329 in 2020 (+119.45% YoY).

It is noted that the bulk of freight is construction cargo, the volume of which has increased by 150.9% to 2.88 mln t.

Agrologistics in Ukraine (click for full resolution)

"Grain cargoes hold the second-largest share. The volume of transportation decreased by 3% compared to the previous year and amounted to 1.1 mln t. Besides, metal products are actively transported on the river. During five months of 2021, the volume of metal transportation grew by 16.8% and reached 515,500 t", the report reads.

NIBULON transported 4.14 mln t of cargo by inland waterways in 2020.

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