Agrain's landbank amounted to 110k ha

The land bank of the Agro Group Agrain as of the beginning of 2018 practically did not change and now amounts to 110 thousand hectares.

This was informed by the press service of the company during the study Top 100 Latifundists of Ukraine by

"2017 was difficult for Agrain. We seriously considered the possibility of leaving the market. However, we not only survived, but also strengthened our positions. Crisis are periods of opportunity, they necessitate the review of priorities and work optimization. We are glad to inform that for today the criminal case against Agrain is closed. We are confidently entering the new season," Pavel Mamin said.

Agrain is represented in Zhytomyr, Kharkov, Chernigov, Odessa, Cherkasy and Kiev regions of Ukraine.

The land bank of Agrain in Zhytomyr region is 7.25 thousand hectares (Agrostem), 42.16 thousand hectares (Agricor Holding) in Chernigov region, and 2.74 thousand hectares in Kiev region (Soyeva Sfera).

In Kharkov region, Agrain has 4 enterprises with a land bank of 17.76 thousand ha: Agrofirm Rassvet — 6.46 thousand ha, Santagro — 3.05 thousand ha, Niva — 3,22 thousand ha, Agroset — 5,03 thousand ha.

In Odessa region, Agro Group owns 2 enterprises — AGROPRIME HOLDING (22.38 thousand ha) and SZPT (7.64 thousand ha) — with a total land bank of 30.02 thousand ha. In Cherkasy region Agrain owns the company Agrovit (6,01 thousand ha) and the Agrofirm Iskra (4.94 thousand ha).

Reference: according to the rating Top 100 Latifundists of Ukraine, Agro Group Agrain holds the 12th position.

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