Export of milk in January amounted to 1.5k tons
16 February 2018, 15:05
Ukraine in January 2018 exported 1.49 thousand tons of milk for the amount of USD 1.02 million.
The major importers of Ukrainian milk in the reporting period are Qatar (USD 504 thousand), Moldova (USD 319 thousand) and Georgia (USD 180 thousand). Exports to these countries amounted to 740.92 tons, 468.98 tons and 174.92 tons, respectively.
The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine informs that in 2017 Ukraine exported 14.06 thousand tons of milk for the amount of USD 9.73 million.
Reference: Andrey Yarmak, Economist of the Technical Cooperation Department at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), believes that milk producers should get ready for a much less profitable year than the previous one.