Coarse grain production in 2018/19 expected at 39.7 mln tons — USDA

In MY2018/19, coarse grain production in Ukraine is projected at 39.7 million tons, which is 0.4 million tons less than the September forecast.

According to USDA report, production of coarse grain will grow by 5.63 million tons as compared with MY2017/18.

Export of feed grain will amount to 29.46 million tons, which is 0.3 million tons more than the previous forecast and by 6.46 million tons exceeds the level of MY2017/18.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has adjusted the preliminary assessment of the MY2018/19 crop upwards and expects grain production at the level of 63.1 million tons, which is 1.1 million tons more than in the previous MY. The late grain crops will provide the bulk yield growth.

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