Kernel expands the forward program to USD 80 mln

Kernel increases the amount of the forward program to USD 80 million. This was stated by Aleksandr Golovin, Head of Grain and Oilseeds Purchase at Kernel, during the PRO100 AGRO conference in the framework of the Open Agribusiness programme presentation.

“In the structure of the company's sales, 50% are forward sales, 20% — sales of agricultural products during the harvest campaign and 30% — after the harvest,” commented Aleksandr Golovin.

He added that in MY2018/19, the company planned to purchase 3.2 million tons of grain crops and 3 million tons of sunflower seeds. 6 million tons of grain and 1.4 million tons of sunflower oil will be exported.

The PRO100 AGRO conference brought together more than 700 participants from all over Ukraine. Most of them (80-85%) are representatives of agricultural enterprises, as well as employees of agricultural universities and Kernel partners.

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