Grain stocks in Ukraine 26% higher last year's

Grain and leguminous crops stocks in Ukraine as of December 1, 2018, are 25.8% higher than on the same date last year, UkrAgroConsult analysts report.

Grain reserves stood at 34.07 million tons.

The estimated volumes by crops are as follows:

  • wheat — 8.74 mln t (10.1% lower y-o-y);
  • corn — 22.66 mln t (59.3% higher);
  • barley — 1.64 mln t (5.9% lower);
  • rye — 0.125 mln t (37% lower).

In 2018, the Ukrainian agriproducers reported a 70.1 mln t harvest of grain and leguminous crops which is 13% higher than the previous year's indicator of 62 mln t. Sunflower yielded 13.7 mln t, soybean — 4.4 mln t, rapeseed — 2.6 mln t.

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