14 October 2020, 10:00, Oilseeds

Winter crops sowing 62% completed in Ukraine

As of October 13, agriproducers in Ukraine conducted sowing of winter crops for the harvest 2021 on 5.06 mln ha accounting for 47% of the planned 8.2 mln ha. Within the last week, planting covered 1.2 mln ha.

Planting progress on the reporting date reached the following indicators:

  • wheat: 3.8 mln ha, 63% of the planned 6.1 mln ha
  • barley: 361.5 thou. ha, 38% of 946.3 thou. ha
  • rye: 94 thou. ha, 71% of 133.2 thou. ha
  • rapeseed: 768.7 thou. ha, 76% of 1.01 mln ha

Zaporizhzhya (166.9 thou. ha), Odesa (142 thou. ha) and Mykolaiv (112.3 thou. ha) regions demonstrated the highest pace in sowing campaign during the past week.

Previously reported that Argentina is the first country to approve GM wheat production, HB4.

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