Yevgeny Osipov is appointed CEO of Kernel

Yevgeny Osipov is appointed the Chief Executive Officer of Kernel.

Prior to his appointment to this position, Yevgeny Osipov was in charge of the overall management of the Agribusiness units of Kernel.

"Today, we start writing a new chapter of the Kernel success story. This new chapter begins with the Board of Directors decision to make an important step for the company by appointing Yevgen Osypov as the Chief Executive Officer of Kernel. At his new role, Yevgen will manage the day-to-day operations and be responsible for the execution of strategy," Andrey Verevskiy, Chairman of the board of directors, comments.

Also, Andrey Verevskiy added that he shall continue to serve as the Chairman of the Board actively steering the policy, strategy and further development of the company. 

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