The court released Mriya elevators

Investigating judge of Solomenskiy District Court of Kyiv decided to cancel the arrest of the property of the Mriya agroholding.

According to the records of two court decisions, on April 4, 2018, an attorney in the interests of IFC asked the judge to annul the arrest imposed on non-residential buildings and auxiliary production facilities for the elevator, an elevator with a capacity of 41 thou. tons (fourth phase), an elevator with a capacity of 10.75 thou. tons (the third phase), an elevator with a capacity of 31.95 thou. tons (second phase), an elevator with a capacity of 21.3 thou. tons (first phase), which belong to Mriya.

The arrest was removed from the movable and immovable property of Black Byron Holdings, located at Ternopil region, Gusiatyn district, Horostov, Independence str.

"There is no need for further application of the arrest since the seized property is in the IFC mortgage and provides for the fulfillment of obligations. In addition, the property was transferred to mortgage prior to seizure, and the arrest prevents the right of the mortgage holder to exercise the right to foreclose on the subject of a mortgage," the court decision says.

As stated in the Court's decision, IFC is not related to the criminal acts of the suspect or other persons and is not a person against whom the criminal proceedings are being carried out.

Reference: in April 2018, AMCU authorized IFC to acquire three of Mriya's elevators. Among the assets for sale are "Noria Zakhid", "Black Brayoni Holdings", and "Elagry-Derenivka" which provide for primary processing and storage of crops.

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