Biogas complex in Khmelnytsky region began producing electricity

On September 30, 2017, the Teofipol sugar refinery (Khmelnitsky region) began producing electricity. It is the second largest biogas plant in Ukraine with the capacity of 5.1 MW.

This is reported on Facebook page of Agriculture and Alternative Energy.

At the moment, first place belongs to the complex in Elizavetovka village (Dnipropetrovsk region) poultry factory Oril-Leader (Myronivsky Hliboproduct) with the capacity of 5.5 MW.

It is noted that in the coming months, after the launch of Phase 2 of the Teofipol Biogas Plant with a capacity of 10.5 MW, Europe will have the largest complex with a total capacity of 15.6 MW.

Ukraine-2001 company invested about €40 million in its construction.

Earlier it was reported, that in Chernigov region a biogas complex will be built on the basis of the sugar plant.

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