From the beginning of 2017/18 Ukraine exported 3.9 MT of oilseeds
5 February 2018, 14:00
In 2017/18 (July-January) as of January 2, Ukraine exported almost 3.9 million tons of oilseeds, which is 1.3 million tons more compared to the same period of 2016/17.
The State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection informs that by the reporting date more than 2 million tons of rapeseed was exported, which is 1.1 million tons more than the same indicator of 2016/17. It is also reported that export of soybeans totaled 1.8 million tons, which is 0.1 less than the indicator of 2016/17.
Referencer: the production of soybean oil by large and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine in December 2017 amounted to 18.4 thousand tons, which is 21% more than in December 2016 (15.2 thousand tons).