Grains harvested on 76% of the areas — Harvest Online 2018

As of October 2, 2018, grain and leguminous crops are harvested on 11.2 mln ha or 76% of the areas.

According to the Harvest Online 2018 project, 41.6 mln tons of grain has been threshed with a productivity of 3.71 tons/ha (2017: 3.85 tons/ha).

The following yields are reported:

  • corn — 6.8 mln tons from 1.1 mln ha with a productivity of 5.95 tons/ha;
  • buckwheat — 108 thou. tons from 87 thou. ha (80%) with a productivity of 1.25 tons/ha;
  • millet — 66 thou. tons from 43 thou. ha (82%) with a productivity of 1.54 tons/ha;
  • sunflower — 9.4 mln tons from 4.3 mln ha (72%) with a productivity of 2.16 tons/ha;
  • soybean — 2 mln tons from 816 thou. ha (48%) with a productivity of 2.16 tons/ha;
  • sugar beet — 3.2 mln tons from 67 thou. ha (24%) with a productivity of 48 tons/ha.

The largest amount of grain is harvested in Odessa region — 3.7 mln tons, Kharkiv region — 2.8 mln tons, and Dnipropetrovsk region — 2.7 mln tons.

The highest yield of grain and leguminous crops is registered in Khmelnitsky region — 5.3 tons/ha, Sumy region — 5.08 tons/ha and Cherkasy region — 5.07 tons/ha.

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