Ukrainian southern regions started harvesting campaign 2019

Agriproducers of Mykolaiv region have started grain harvesting campaign 2019. The PAEK group of companies was the first to start harvesting winter barley, Mykolaiv Regional State Administration reports.

“On June 11th, a test harvesting of early grain crops was carried out in the Ochakiv district,” the message says.

In the current season, enterprises of Mykolaiv region planted 747 thou. hectares with grain crops, 7 thou. hectares more from the Y2018. Harvesting machinery from other regions of Ukraine will be involved in threshing.

Under favourable agrometeorological conditions, agricultural producers of the region will join in the harvesting of early grain crops and rapeseed in the third decade of June.

Since the start of 2018/19, as of June 10, 2019, Ukraine exported 47.49 million tons of grain and leguminous crops.

The infographic guide Agribusiness of Ukraine 2017/18 is available by the link.

Regional specialization in crop production in Ukraine (click for full resolution)

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