European wheat crop projected lowest in a decade

One of the poorest wheat harvests is expected in Europe over the past 10 years, IDK.Expert reports.

"Dry spring has exacerbated wheat problems in some parts of Europe after wet autumn and winter, which reduced crops and prevented plant roots development," the report reads.

According to Sebastian Ponsele, the Agritel consultancy analyst, the precipitation could stabilize the situation a bit. However, even more moisture is needed to prevent crop damage.

Learn more: TOP 10 Wheat Producing Countries in 2019

Experts forecast that in the European Union (excluding the UK), grain yields will be 7% lower from 2019, in particular:

  • France: 32-33 mln t (2019: 39.5 mln)
  • Germany: 21.8 mln t (22.4 mln t)
  • Poland: left unchanged at 11.1 mln

"Under forecasts, the UK wheat harvest in the current season will make less than 10 mln t vs. the prior year's 16.3 mln t," the message says.

Previously reported that wheat prices of the next crop recorded some gains during recent days as a response to the Ukrainian wheat success at the last Egyptian GASC tender.Wheat production in Ukraine and worldwide (click for full resolution)

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