Prometey to start sunflowerseed oil exports

Prometey company started the implementation of the project on sunflowerseed oil production for further export. The company management notes that the strategy for entering the oil and fat industry, a new market for the company, has been elaborated for a long time.

Despite the volatility of the oilseed market, Prometey is convinced that the trend of increasing consumption of sunflowerseed oil will continue, thus serving as a driver for the development of the industry in the future.

Vegetable oil industry in Ukraine (click for full resolution)

The company does not plan to supply the domestic market in the near future. At the early stage of the project, Prometey is set to produce unrefined sunflowerseed oil for export to India, China and European countries. In the future, the line of exported products may be expanded.

Related: TOP 10 Unrefined Sunflower Oil Producers 2019/20 in Ukraine

Previously reported that unrefined sunflower oil production in Ukraine plunged by 60% in July.

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