Three new grain terminals to be launched in Ukraine by the end of 2018

MV Cargo
MV Cargo grain terminal construction (October, 2018)
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In the current year, three new port grain terminals will be launched in Ukraine. Their combined transshipment capacity will be about 9.5 million tons of grain cargo per year.

This was informed by Maxim Shirokov, Head of the Administration of the port of Yuzhny, in the framework of the International Conference Grain Terminals: New Projects, Equipment and Technologies.

In the port Yuzhny (the Black Sea), the MV Cargo grain terminal with the capacity of the first phase up to 5 million tons is preparing for commissioning.

A grain terminal will be launched in the rear of berths No. 9-4 in the port of Berdyansk (the Sea of Azov), its handling capacity will be about 500 thou. tons of grain per year.

The Eurovneshtorg company is getting ready its grain products transshipment terminal in Port Olvia (Mykolaiv region). Its planned annual capacity will be about 4 million tons of grain.

Earlier it was reported that MV Cargo had received the final tranche from the IFC and the EBRD under the construction financing program. The amount of the transaction was not specified.

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