Milling and feed wheat prices gained in Ukraine

While the wheat market on Euronext evolved very little yesterday, the Black Sea wheat market continued to progress, the Agritel consultancy writes.

In Odesa, the prices of milling and feed wheat rose by an additional 2 USD/t.

The wheat FOB Novorossiysk was also up by 3 USD/t to 218 USD/t.

"The only ones not fully benefiting from the rise in wheat prices on the Black Sea market are Romanian producers," the analysts commented.

As reported, the CPT Constanta price has remained stable for about ten days at around 171 EUR (202 USD), 2-3 USD/t lower compared to the CPT Odesa.

The feed barley is also increasing following wheat prices. Corn for the new harvest was sluggish, the consultancy adds.

Previously reported that Continental Farmers Group will export the first in 12 years consignment of milling wheat to Saudi Arabia.


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