Ukraine in January-September increased agro-food export by 25%

Exports of agro-food products in January-September 2017 amounted to USD 13.1 billion, which is almost 25% more than the corresponding indicator for 9 months of 2016.

This is reported by Nikolai Pugachev, the deputy director of the National Scientific Center Institute of Agrarian Economics, NAAS corresponding member.

According to him, grain and oilseeds, sunflower oil, and also food and processing industry products remain the determining positions in the commodity structure of domestic agri-food exports. Their cumulative share is about 90% in agrarian exports.

The countries of Asia, the European Union and Africa are still the main markets. In general, they account for about 90% of the cost of Ukrainian exports of agricultural products, Nikolai Pugachev says.

The expert noted that the position of the main importers of domestic agroproducts is traditionally kept by Asian countries, which in January-September 2017 purchased Ukrainian food products for USD 5.5 billion. The share of Asia in this period amounts to 42% of the total exports of agricultural products.

About one third of the domestic export of agricultural products, which is 32.1%, accounts for the European Union. Over a nine-month period of 2017, the EU countries bought Ukrainian food for the amount of USD 4.2 billion. Exports to Africa amounted to USD 2 billion, or 15.3% of the total volume of agricultural products exports.

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