Farmland sale moratorium in Ukraine brought USD 22,5 bln of losses

Due to the effective moratorium on the sale of agricultural land, Ukraine lost USD 22.5 billion of GDP in 2018, EPravda writes. This indicator is 17 percent higher than its actual level.

"With a liberalized farmland market, Ukraine's GDP in 2018 could have been USD 22,5 billion or 17 percent higher than the actual level. This is the price of the moratorium paid by the whole Ukraine," the message says.

Analyzing the impact of the moratorium, it is concluded by EPravda that the moratorium should be seen as a significant structural breakthrough that has shifted the country's agricultural sector to a lower development level.

"If it weren't for the moratorium, in 2018 agriculture could have generated about USD 35,8 billion of value added instead of the actual USD 13,3 billion," the publication stresses.

As previously reported, the launch of the farmland market in Ukraine might proceed within a year.

The infographic guide Agribusiness of Ukraine 2017/18 is available by the link.

Farmland market in Ukraine and the world (click for full resolution)

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