Ag commodities account for 44% of total exports from Ukraine in Jan-Oct

Agricultural commodities account for 44.4% in the structure of exports from Ukraine in January-October 2020. Export shipment totalled USD 17.6 bln, USD 0.3 bln lower YoY.

"The major share of agrarian exports is formed by cereals and oilseeds. China, India, Egypt, the Netherlands and Spain are among the five countries that imported the principal volume of Ukrainian products most during this period," Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky reported on Facebook.

He added that imports in 2020 increased by USD 0.64 bln to USD 5.09 bln.

Top three commodities exported from Ukraine in the reporting period are:

  • sunflower oil: 23.3%
  • corn: 20.3%
  • wheat: 18.9%

Related: Thumbs up or Thumbs Down: Does the Booming Corn Export Endanger the Domestic Market?

Export of Ukrainian ag commodities (click for full resolution)

Import to Ukraine was dominated by the following groups of products:

  • frozen fish: 5.5%
  • animal feed: 4.2%
  • sauces, extracts: 4.2%

As a reminder, staple grains export shipment from Ukraine has made up 22.3 mln t since the start of the 2020/21 season.

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