Refineries in Ukraine produced 19 thou. t of beet sugar

As of 10 September, beet sugar production in Ukraine reached 18.8 thou. t. Sugar beet processing by the refineries on the reporting date stood at 176.9 thou. t, the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrsugar) reports.

Plants operating in the 2021/22(September 2021-August 2022) sugar production season (by launch date):

  1. 21 August – Panda (Selyshchansky Sugar Plant), Cherkasy region
  2. 1 September – Gaisyn Sugar Plant of FC Zorya Podillya, Vinnytsya region
  3. 3 September – Chervonsky Sugar Mill, Zhytomyr region
  4. 5 September – Radekhiv Sugar (Khorostkiv Sugar Plant), Ternopil region
  5. 7 September – Salyvonkivskyi Sugar Plant, Kyiv region

READ MORE: Ukrainian Sugar Market Overview 2020/21

The sugar beet area in Ukraine in the 2021 crop year is 227.14 thou. ha, in 2020 it was 209.01 thou. ha.

As of 2 September, sugar beet harvesting in Ukraine was completed on 1.17 thou. ha.

In the current production season, beet sugar output is projected by the Economy Ministry to reach 1.4 mln t, 30% above the previous season's outturn.

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